
Investing Value is fast becoming one of the go to places for the pubic to visit to make sure they’re getting the best deals possible as well as figuring out if they’re due any money returned to them.

It’s all about working the system to make your own wallet expand. For too long now, big businesses have taken advantage of everyday people, squeezing them for all they’re worth. Well now it’s time to fight back and Investing Value is here to help you do just that.

The average person loses 25% of their annual pay through bad deals and disadvantageous situations. That means you could come away with more money every montha nd every year just by being a smart and savvy customer and consumer.

An Introduction to Investing Value

Investing Value was created in 2006 to be an impartial and realistic personal finance guide. We don’t want you to see this as revenge finance, but if the shoe fits…

We try and do best by our visitors and readers and it seems to be working! We now get tens of thousands of visitors every month and a blossoming community of financial experts and savvy consumers. You should join us!

How We Work

As previously mentioned, we work hard to be as impartial as possible. We want to save people money and want as many people as possible to get involved!

We’ve got money saving guides developed and improved regularly by some of the best personal finance experts. We’ve also got lists of tools you can use o champion your budget, gadgets, advice on mortgages, savings. And, let’s not forget, the best deals that are available right now!

There’s also a growing community of like minded people who are always commenting and contributing to the blog, in their own way. It’s a great group of 100s of people who are all working towards the same goal as you! Why not get involved?

The Man Behind Investing Value

I know this isn’t the most important part to a lot of you, but sometimes, it’s nice to put a face to the words that you read on a screen. I’m Jonathan Beattie and I was the person who started Investing Value all those years ago.

I decided to start this personal finance blog after coming out of some pretty bad financial problems myself. I learned the hard way and got a kick up the bum when things got really bad. Clawing my way out with some really good advice, which I’m now passing on to you!bb gbh

There’s not much more you need to know about me, I’m your run of the mill guy, who works in personal finance and is ready to share this knowledge with everyone else! I live with my partner and my two dogs. We live in the suburbs of London and both travel into the city centre each day.

Since coming out of my less favourable financial situation, I’ve undertaken three qualifications in personal finance and have worked as a financial advisor (mainly in savings and mortgage).

I now work on Investing Value 60% of the time and conduct my own investment portfolio in the meantime. It’s a pretty lucrative endeavor for me and it’s really helped open me up to new and different ways for the every day person to make some money!